Eviltex is the Tex-Mex restaurant at Hanaoka-cho, Takayama.
They have a lot of menus also for vegetarian!
Hamburgers are most popular among these.
This restaurant has large portions!
We ordered the to go hamburgers box for our holiday’s lunch.
Talking about the restaurant made me want to eat a hamburger.

Take a look at this impressive sign!
The restaurant is just one block from the east gate of Takayama station.

The car park is in front of the restaurant and they have counter seat, table and terrace.

We ordered two EvilTex Burger.

We went to the park near the restaurant.
My sons prepared car luggage for lunch.
That’s their style!

Inside is like this.
A heap of French fries, salad and hamburger!
Smells good!

I took a big bite!
Ummm, yummy!
I like this roasted bun and filling meat!
You can choose any topping like cheese, salsa and bacon…
I recommend not only hamburgers but also taco, sweets and kids menu!
You should go here when you come to Takayama!