Organic farm Soya Unehata’s mixed salad

We went to experience at organic farm Soya Unehata.

The article is below.



Their vegetables constantly sold in Ichinomachi Club just behind Ichinomachi Coffee. I saw an information from SNS so went there!

Ichinomachi Coffee is very popular among local people. Just 10 minutes from Furukawa station.

I enthusiastically went there and got zucchini and mixed salad.

I asked “how do you eat this?”, he always tell gently. The original taste of ingredients is really good.

Red velvet lettuce, edible flowers and herbs.

Edible flowers are so tasty. A parsley has an accent to salad.

It looks fancy! Put red onion dressing on it.

It’s organic so we can eat just rinse.

Really easy and healthy. Of course that was delicious.

You can parches vegetables of Soya Unehata from Website.

Soya Unehata